Friday, 2 December 2022

Leaders role to overcome absenteeism

 Leaders role to overcome absenteeism

The contemporary business world is a global village  compared to past decades. The world is encompassed by advanced technology that can be utilized resolve many issues. Every organization consists of many issues. Compared to past decades, these issues arise in different magnitudes with different impact levels. One of the main problems is Absenteeism. Currently, the industrial world face this problem and they spend large amounts of money and time to reduce absenteeism. Absenteeism can be reduced to a certain extent through technology, however, this incurs high costs.

Following are the reasons for absenteeism in modern industries.

·       Sudden Illnesses or injuries –

o   Employee can have infections like cold, flu or some serious medical cases. Some cases maybe due to poor workplace arrangement.

·       Family care –

o   Employees have to leave their dependents when reporting to work, therefore, they have to arrange a solution to look after their dependents. If they cannot arrange a proper caring arrangement they will not come to work.

·       Bullying –

o   All over the world bullying is a major issue in the workplace. Sometimes, bullying can lead to sexual harassment also. Due to this employee may not report to work.

·       Burnout –

o   Employees cannot achieve assigned goals and KPIs, which will lead to high pressure and stress at work

·       Mental health –

o   Employee may have personal issues that bring them down psychologically and they have no counselling channels to share their issues and receive psychological support.

From the above identified reasons, Bullying, Burnout and Mental health is directly influenced by the management. This exhibits that the management can resolve absenteeism considerably.  Leadership involvement in issues like absenteeism can transform work culture to a better working environment. Below is a clear clarification of leadership.

Leadership is the art or process of influencing people so that they will strive willingly and enthusiastically toward the achievement of the Group goals “( Shahi, 2017)

Leadership consists of influencing employees  and directing them towards achieving organizational goals. There are eight leadership theories as mentioned below.

·       Transformational

·       Transactional

·       Motivational expectancy

·       Authentic

·       Contingency

·       Great man / trait

·       Behaviorist

·       Situational

Each leadership type consists of different characteristics and styles that can be utilized to reduce absenteeism. From the above mentioned leaderships types, we can identify the types that can influence absenteeism which are mentioned below.

·       Transformational

·       Transactional

·       Motivational expectancy

·       Authentic

·       Situational

Each leadership style is explored in a comprehensive manner to identify the involvement to absenteeism and strategies to overcome absenteeism.

Transactional leadership

Characteristics (yscouts .n.d)

·       Motivate to do things in self expected manner.

·       Resistance to change.

·       Discourage independent & innovative thinking of employees.

·       Highly rely on cooperate hierarchy structure.     

·       Constrained thinking and happy to work with existing systems


Above highlighted characteristics are directly impacted to avoid the absenteeism. Managers need to motivate their subordinates by understanding their expectations. If not, they will be frustrated with their working pressure leading to absenteeism.

Transformational Leadership

Characteristics (Skippriched, 2019)

·       Mobilizing followers while creating job satisfaction is the major characteristic of this style.

·       4’I’s of transformational leadership style.

1.       Idealized Influence (II) -

2.       Inspirational Motivation (IM)

3.       Intellectual Stimulation (IS)

4.       Individual Consideration (IC)

·       Try to positively change their followers.

·       Keep the self-ego under control and motivates to get best out of team.

·       Ability to take risks

·       Inspirational and entertain new ideas.

·       Adaptability to changing market situations to keep going forward.

·       Lead with vision.

Leaders need to identify their follower weaknesses and strengths. Based on this understanding, managers need to treat their subordinates and contribute to reduce their weakness and increase their strengths. Managers have to build teamwork among the followers. This will create a working environment and culture that will cultivate good traits such as working towards common goals and supporting each other. This will build a platform to express their problem and sharing ideas.

Motivational expectancy

Characteristics of Motivational leadership theory

·       Effort performance relationship.

·       Performance reward relationship.

·       Rewards personal good relationship

Rewarding is the best way to treat subordinates according to their performance. Proper KPI’s creates motivation that drives employees towards goals and objectives while understanding their current situation. When they achieve their KPI’s, they will be satisfied by their work. Job satisfaction will eventually reduce absenteeism.

Authentic leadership

Characteristics of Authentic leadership theory.

·       Self-awareness – Understanding of strengths & weakness of followers

·       Relational transparency – believe on someone’s true value and allow them to communicate their true feelings.

·       Focus on long term results.

·       Listening skills.

·       Share success with the team.

Leader must build a good relationship with their followers. This relationship will contribute to the working environment and organizational culture and enhance positive traits such as teamwork. Good teamwork will influence to enhance better mental health and also increase motivation to achieve organizational goals. In order to build a strong relationship, leaders must possess good traits such as communication and  Listening skill that will enable to understand employees’ issues.  

Situational Leadership

Characteristics of Situational leadership theory. (Lunenendonk, 2016)

·       Ability to diagnose.

·       Adaptation.

·       Communication.

·       Ability to advance.

·       Picking the right approach.

·       Considering the task at hand.

Leaders must have the ability to the right person at right time for a particular project based on their skills and performance.  If the leader makes a wrong choice, the employee will eventually be frustrated and absent. This requires the leader to have a clear understanding about their subordinates’ strengths and weaknesses. The leader must be able to create win-win solution through his decision making.  Communication is best way to understand followers’ characteristics.  Subordinates who have good communication with their leaders will not be absent.


·     Shahi, R. 2017,’Role of Leader in Improving Institutional climate’,International Journal of Scientific Research and Management, vol.05,no.10,pp. 7270-7275

·       Iedunote.n.d,Transscactional Leadership,viewed 10 May 2020

·   Lunenendonk,M 2016,Situational Leardership Guide:Definition,Qualities,Pros & Cons Examples,veiwed 10 May 2020

·  MSG Presentation .n.d,Expenctancy Theor of Motivation,veiwed 10 May 2020

·   MSG Presentation .n.d,Great man theory of Leadership,veiwed 10 May 2020

·       Sidekicker,Top 5 causes of absenteeism.n.d,viewed 29 May 2020

·    Skipprichard,The element of transformational leadership 2019,viewd 10 May 2020

·    Southern cross University ,Harvard Referencing Style 2020,veiwed 10 May 2020

· University of Leicester .n.d,ORG Module Unit6: Leadership,veiwed 10 May 2020

·       Yscouts .n.d,10 Transactional Leadership Characteristics,viewed 10 May 2020

People are in Organization

 People are in Organization

People are the most important asset in the organization. They have different skills and talents while they are working in the organization.  Below is the modern categorization about peoples in the organization.

·         The visionary strategist

o   They had long term vision about the organization. They have the ability to see the potential problems that can be happen in future. Solutions which they are given, very creative and next generations solutions.

·         The know-it-all expert

o   They have the knowledge of current product and process. They know the customer thinking pattern. So, they can challenge with competitors of the organization. Production managers are belonging to this category. In an organization they are the back bone.

·         The super star All-rounder

o   They have good sense of the current situation and do the best support to run the business.  They have multi-functional skills. If you are a head of the organization, you can use them to face new challenges.

·         The wise mentor

o   They know the well norms of the industry. Mostly they have well experienced about the industry and they should involve to the process development of the organization.

·         The ultimate optimist

o   Similar word for these kinds of people is positive thinkers. They have the ability to work under pressure and see the positive side of the bad situation. They will help to guide the organization right way in bad situations.

·         The expert communicator

o   These people make the bridges between inter departments avoiding barriers .Some time they play front end communicating role. They know the right way to deliver right thing at right time.


·         The hacker

o   They have not well knowledge about technical side of the products. But they can create shorts cut without effecting other functions. These functions  most of time similar to reverse engineering.



There are different types of people are in organizations. Management of the organization needs to identify their real values ad employees are the most expensive asset in the organization. When organization identifies the people as the important asses, they will support the organization to drive towards profitability.


Khan, J n.d.,’ The 7 Kinds of People You Need In Your Organization To Succeed’, Our thoughts on customer service, team collaboration, and productivity, blog post, viewed by 7 July 2020,

Levels of management


Levels of management


Management is the key role in the modern world. There are plenty of studies and researches can be found regarding the importance of management. Definition of the management is key thing before understanding the level of management.


What is management.

“Management is a set of principles relating to the function of planning, organizing, directing and controlling  and the application of these principles in harnessing physical ,financial ,human and informational resource efficiently and effectively to achieve organizational goals”.


According to above definition, management is collaboration of functions. When thinking about an organization, there are several layers available to manage the organization. Without having such layers , it is impossible to manage the organization effectively. Levels of organizations are shown in  below list.

o   Top level management

o   Middle level management

o   Operative level management


Top level management

This level of people is like CEO, Board of directors of the organization, President or vice president organization.  The role of these people is planning the organizational goals, develop the polices of the company or organization, do the administrative part of the company, set the budget and appoint the central level heads.  In other words, the future of the company are  in the top level of the management. Because their the people who create the strategies of the company to face the challenges.


 Middle level management

In middle level manager main role is drive the organization according to top level management directions and cascade the plan to low level managers. After that they should create the connectivity between top level policies to ground level KPI’s (Keep performance indicators). Then they should continually monitor the operation level management to achieve the company goals. In other words , middle level managers should train their subordinate to develop up to middle level.


Operative level management

Those are the people who attend the operator level working situations. They have to handle the worker level people and their requirements. Achieve the related KPI’s and regularly monitor the deviations. If there are any deviations happen, need to give immediate solutions. Then should maintain the quality of the product or work. They have main responsibility to achieve budget requirement and maintain the required company standards.




Three level of management , Three Levels of Management: Top, Middle & Lower 2020,Viewed by

7 July 2020,


Kukreja. S n.d.,The level of management,viewed by 7 July 2020,


Kukreja. S n.d.,The level of management,viewed by 7 July 2020,

Human capital


Human capital


Capital is the things which are needs to earn money or organization goals. In that case human capital mean, people who are involve earning money to organization or do the necessary things to achieve company goals by using their knowledge and skills. Therefore, human capital management has a vital role in the organization. Now days human capital management is defined as the future of the organization. Hence, some of  the employees are leaving the organizations for different reasons.

·         Retirement

·         Dismissal

·         Negative work environment

·         Better salary

If effective management system involved to this, the employee turnover can be reduced largely. Before that it is needed to identify the features of the human capital.

·         Creativity and innovation

Organization should have the power to rebuild when they are falling down in critical situation. Because they have the ability to create relevant goals and drive the organization to achieve the goals. In that case organizations need good creative and innovative culture.

·         Knowledge and skills

People of the organization should have proper knowledge of the required field and qualified trainings. Then they can manage the relevant areas by taking decisions.

·         Value added

People can give the value to implementing the planning, developing strategic and achieve the goals. These values can be increase by motivation and training them

·         Competitive advantage

Employee of the company can be given the competitive advantage by have talented skills, good performance, flexibility and creativity than other competitors.

·         Increase the customer satisfaction

When employees have good loyalty to the company, loyalty of the customers of company are increase. This effect to the financial growth of the organization. Because when the company has good and talented employees, customers are more likely to get the service from that company.

So human capital management is important things to the organization. Because as mention earlier it gives more benefits to the  company.  In that case organization needs to identify the how to develop their human capital.

·         Developing cultural value

The company should have good relationship among the employees . Then clear career path to the employees. Organization need to have good working environment ( ex:no long working hours) and communication with the team. If employees are dissatisfied, they will easily move to another company.

·         Developing organization structure

Organizational structure should not more complicated and need to give more decision-making power. Then employees are feeling more effective works and become improve the quality of the work.

·         Recruiting and hiring

When hiring the people to the organization, the company should have to use more attractive recruiting methods. If not, employees will become dissatisfied easily. Therefore, selecting the matching people to that required job is more important things.

·         Optimizing performance

There should have proper monitoring system to employee’s performance and rewarding them according to their achievements.

·         Talent development

Proper training mechanism is needed to develop employee up to next level. Then organization can avoid the costly tun over.




Pasban, M & Nojedeh ,SH, 2016,’ A Review of the Role of Human Capital in the Organization’, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences,vol.230,pp.249-253


 ,t 2019,8 benefits of investing in your human capital development ,viewed by 1 July 2020,


Philanthropy University n.d., The Importance of Human Capital Management for Your Organization, viewed by 3 July 2020,


Grimsley, S & Shinn, J n.d., What Is Human Capital? - Importance to An Organization, viewed by 3 July 2020,

Leaders role to overcome absenteeism

  Leaders role to overcome absenteeism The contemporary business world is a global village    compared to past decades. The world is encompa...