Friday, 2 December 2022

Levels of management


Levels of management


Management is the key role in the modern world. There are plenty of studies and researches can be found regarding the importance of management. Definition of the management is key thing before understanding the level of management.


What is management.

“Management is a set of principles relating to the function of planning, organizing, directing and controlling  and the application of these principles in harnessing physical ,financial ,human and informational resource efficiently and effectively to achieve organizational goals”.


According to above definition, management is collaboration of functions. When thinking about an organization, there are several layers available to manage the organization. Without having such layers , it is impossible to manage the organization effectively. Levels of organizations are shown in  below list.

o   Top level management

o   Middle level management

o   Operative level management


Top level management

This level of people is like CEO, Board of directors of the organization, President or vice president organization.  The role of these people is planning the organizational goals, develop the polices of the company or organization, do the administrative part of the company, set the budget and appoint the central level heads.  In other words, the future of the company are  in the top level of the management. Because their the people who create the strategies of the company to face the challenges.


 Middle level management

In middle level manager main role is drive the organization according to top level management directions and cascade the plan to low level managers. After that they should create the connectivity between top level policies to ground level KPI’s (Keep performance indicators). Then they should continually monitor the operation level management to achieve the company goals. In other words , middle level managers should train their subordinate to develop up to middle level.


Operative level management

Those are the people who attend the operator level working situations. They have to handle the worker level people and their requirements. Achieve the related KPI’s and regularly monitor the deviations. If there are any deviations happen, need to give immediate solutions. Then should maintain the quality of the product or work. They have main responsibility to achieve budget requirement and maintain the required company standards.




Three level of management , Three Levels of Management: Top, Middle & Lower 2020,Viewed by

7 July 2020,


Kukreja. S n.d.,The level of management,viewed by 7 July 2020,


Kukreja. S n.d.,The level of management,viewed by 7 July 2020,


  1. Which level of management is most concerned?

  2. All management is essential to organization but their ability and involment to management different management level to level


shamini jayasinghe

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