Friday, 2 December 2022

Institutional decision-making factors

 Institutional decision-making factors

Decision making is one of the important aspects in modern world. Having right decisions at right time is very crucial to run a business smoothly. If an organization made a single wrong decision, there is a high probability of collapsing the organization within a second. Therefore, decision making is highly critical, and it should be done by the managers in an appropriate way. Manager should have the ability to get the right decision at the right time. Most of the decisions are taken within the organization through a pre agreed methods. Those methods can be taken according to the audience and the situation.  Some of those methods are categorized as below;

·         Majority decisions

·         Minority decisions

·         Authority power

·         Collaborative decisions


 When working in a competitive work environment, some institutional decisions should be made for the advancement of the organization. Institutional decision is the decision which are taken for the organization in order to have a better future.  However, due to some issues, Institutional decision may not be successful. Those issues are as below;

·         Gender issues

Commonly and traditional women do not involve to the decision making. Because some cultural and ethical barriers do not allow women to take decisions. Gender discrimination is a huge barrier for the growth of the organization as there may be women who make better decisions that men.

·         Age issues

Age discrimination is another issue where matured individual are not willing to accept the decisions of young individuals. There may be instances where young people have better knowledge on a special aspect, and they can have better decisions than adults. Having such egoistic behaviors of adults drive entire organization into negative direction

·         The community

Community has a vital role in taking decision in the organization. For example, government taxation has a power over organizations to impose taxation polices. society plays a big role in creating influence over organization in making decisions. Some organizations have winded up due to wrong decision making against the society. Mismatching of cultural agendas with the organization ethics has  influenced wrongly for the decision making in the organization.

·         The household

Impacts of the household also plays a big role when taking decision in the organization. Those decision makers who have bad family backgrounds makes decisions based on their personal experiences. 


·         Production unit

Organizations are mostly base on their production base. But decision should bias on the no of production and its rates. That is mean right decision is not change due to production failures. 



Townsley.P 1998, Social Issues in Fisheries,viewed by 4 July 2020,


  1. What are the major factors that influence decision making in an organization?

  2. Decision making should be done with utmost care within organizations since even a small single decision can create many impacts. According to my point of view, respecting ideas of others and analyzing pros and cons can be considered as a great approach in this regard


shamini jayasinghe

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